The human body is bound to experience some problems with age and due to other medical reasons. One such problem is that very commonly experienced is of body pain in some or the other part. Owing to the expertise of medical professionals, we now have a prescription drug for treating every kind of problem. We just need to be extra careful about the right method of consumption to get the desired results.
Co-codamol 30 500mg is a super-effective medication to seek relief from severe pain. The drug is available in three strengths, and the higher strength ones are only available on prescription. One must make sure that the consumption of the drug is not overdone as it can turn out to be very harmful. Moreover, the medicine is liked with addiction and hence, a doctor should always be there to supervise your medicine consumption.
A prescription drug must only be consumed only after consulting an expert doctor.
Listed below are the recommendations for co-codamol:
The common side effects of the medicine are listed here:
If you experience constipation post-consumption of Co-codamol tablet, then it can be tackled by eating more fiber-rich foods, and by enhancing the per day water consumption.
The mild side effects can be managed by following the above-listed tips, but you must pay attention if you encounter some serious side effects as mentioned here:
Be clear that the co-codamol is not recommended during pregnancy. Other safer medicines can be taken to seek relief from pain.
Taking Paracetamol is considered to be a safe option. Moreover, Codeine is not to be taken as it has been linked with causing breathing problems to the unborn baby.
A doctor must always be consulted before taking any medicine during this critical scenario.
Also, the medicine is not prescribed for lactating mothers, as there are chances of codeine to reach the baby through breast milk. If a mother is suffering from immense pain, it is always better to speak to a doctor to understand other safer alternatives that won’t be harmful for the baby.
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